Dreams 23 May 2024 - Rats, Chickens, Holiday

Last night I dreamed I was living at my old house and there were 3 chickens that were lost and kept going to the park next door. I tried to feed them some bird seed but they kept disappearing and I even saw their owners drive their car into the park looking for them. 
I also dreamed I saw 2 or 3 wild rats near my old bird aviary except their fur colouring was like pet rats. They were so cute and friendly and I was so close to them. 
I also dreamed I went on a holiday to this beautiful spot by the beach. 

I thought maybe one reason I keep dreaming of chickens is that I saw 3 pet chickens in a neighbours yard behind my house that are so cute and adorable. 
The chickens escaping may have been about a "loss of control" which seems to be a common dream theme for me. 
The chickens from my neighbours house may also want to visit me and comfort me so are coming into my dreams. 

I thought I dreamed of the rats as they had come to comfort me in my dream about some health worries. 

I thought the beach holiday dream may be telling me I need to take time to de-stress and relax for my health and wellbeing. 


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