dreams Wednesday 18 sept 2024 - Olly Alexander

Last night I dreamed I went on a date with a guy who liked me and was also doing this challenge where you went through rooms and ended up at this one where you had to take care of bats and go through the process of taking care of them to get out of the room. 
The guy was rating me on different qualities compared to other girls he dated. He rated me highly except for being social and in groups. He told me I should be a model. I said I felt different from everyone else because I have a different personality and my personality is too unique and I don't fit in because of that. 
I dreamed I kept meeting old friends from school or childhood and reconnecting with them. 
I also dreamed I went to a family bbq and saw lots of family there including newborn pets that my brother and his wife had. 
I saw a vision of my grandma when she was 50 dressed up for some celebration and noticed she had the same hair as my mother. 
I dreamed I knew Olly Alexander when he was younger and we were together and talking and I even knew him when he was little and said I remember going to your house and doing gardening with you when we were little. Apparently we went to school together when we were little and knew eachother. 
I also dreamed I found old videos from mine on YouTube from when I had a YouTube channel including an influencer mentioning me in his video talking about the new trend of being more open about things and saying anything. 
I was watching old videos I found I'd posted on my channel and trying to repost them cause I thought they were so good and I wanted to be popular again..in my dream I had no anxiety about being popular or famous... The videos were of me going out and talking about working on my anxiety and social anxiety. 
In this world in the dream world everyone was nice and there were no trolls or mean people or criticism and no scary people. It was an innocent world. 
This was such a magical dream. 
This dream included a lot of nostalgia about apparently when I was younger or my childhood such as radio stations or tv shows that might have been made up and I was trying to make these old memories real again and part of the present reality.
I also had a little abundance dream I was getting icy poles out of thin air and freezing them by putting them in the water with fish going past then took them to my friend or boyfriend. 
Apparently there used to be a community event where everyone went and slept over at eachothers houses. 


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