Dreams 16 May 2024 - One Direction, Taylor Swift

Last night I had so many dreams. I was in a huge building complex and kept spotting one direction and harry styles and would say hi to harry styles. At one place where I was outside I saw one direction practicing dancing and I accidentally got in their way one time and hurried out of their way. I also saw a group of magpies playing in the grass and a pond. In that big building I also went to a Taylor Swift show which seemed like a movie in a movie theatre. She knew I was there in the back row and was calling out my name and trying to embarrass me. I was so afraid and embarassed. 
Later I was talking to friends about harry styles and said I'd like to be closer to him and friends with him but then maybe not because what if he isn't as nice as he seems and is mean to me. 
I also remember being with Harry Styles Mum. She was driving the car me and some friends were in and said she was taking us to church. And she took us to my old childhood church. But I had a little dog in the car I had to mind. 
I also dreamed I was in another movie theatre. 
I also dreamed Harry Styles was recommending an Italian leader like leader of the country who later started messaging me in a romantic way. 


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