The Jetty

I visit again and again 
Walking that journey down to the end of the jetty
Step by step 
I glide through 
Softly touching the jetty edge rail 
Brilliant blue vast vast ocean lighting up my world 
And the vibrant vast blue skies with all its soft fluffy clouds 
A sunshine day
A dream of a simple life 
Only a few village folk are around 
This is such a peaceful tranquil quiet day 
Step,  step,  step 
Getting further from the shore 
Out into lady sea 
Down down to the boarding ramps
They rock a little back and forth 
Upon the water 
Thousands of small fish dance down deep 
Yes I see fish sometimes 
Once a giant sting ray 
So many memories 
Of the vibrant happy village people 
And of course the sea birds 
Are an often sight 
Nothing enchants me 
Like the ocean water 
The sea depths 
This day out far in pure nature
In walking back too 
You feel raw and alive 
Alone, out in the middle of the world
The fresh winds whipping you up 
You can see so much of the world 
Huge cargo boats, the city port, the charming beaches lined with trees
The seaside village very quietly and charmingly buzzing with peaceful very quiet village folk.  
It's my home town and my happy place,  where my memory long lingers. 


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