
If Mother Nature wants to tell us about what Spring means,  she's saying colour.  
I guess the Jacarandas are a sign of spring... 
From nature 
Everywhere,  they are determined to be at the top of everyone's imagination 
For this short time 
Giant calm purple flowered trees 
The Purple flowered trees dotting my human landscape of roads, cars, houses 
But they take over 
Now these jacarandas are all you see
An abundance of soft purple petals
Soft purple petals covering the ground 
The trees shine and radiate with beauty taking over the whole of this part of the world 
Such a large area that you find them again and again 
Singing a beautiful instrumental song 
Spotting light purple in nature from the areas of houses to parks to the edge of town and even far away in the countryside 
Driving they will sing to you everywhere 
Those purple flowering trees 
They are telling me 
Nature flows throughout the year
We've chosen now to, yes..  To transform your world 
You see the beauty of jacaranda trees 
Is that the flowering doesn't last 
They have a lot of knowledge 
And they're telling me 
That they never leave 
They are STILL everywhere,  always 
And we're living in a jacaranda forest.. With houses, cars, roads in between.


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