Dreams Thursday 19 December 2024 - Miracles in India
Last night I dreamed that I magically teleported to India and the authorities were noticing strange things going on with me like this. Apparently in India everyone believed in miracles so I was going to be the next big story about a miracle person. I was in this large natural area next to a road, and another miracle happening was that there was a never ending supply of food like fruits growing around me in this area also.
I received a package next to the road from the authorities about how I was going to be investigated.
I didn't want to feel trapped by being investigated though and didn't know exactly what was going to happen to me. I wanted to be with my mum cause my mum was probably worried about me.
I remember going off to explore India with a friend but we first had to get the blessing of a local lion god in order to have good luck and good fortune.
I also remember calling my loved one Ryan on the phone and having a long conversation with him telling him about what was happening and asking him to take care of himself.
Another dream I had was that I was at my mum's house except it was a different house, and she was letting me do some creative gardening in her garden. There was also a fish pond in the backyard with some very large fish and some of the fish were super intelligent and communicating with me. They wanted me to help them and recognise how intelligent they were.
I also dreamed of Darren the musician but he got mad at me and left after a date we'd been on because I wasn't being down to earth enough for him and was obsessed with bigger celebrities or something like that.
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