
Poem - Everyone Matters

Everyone is special  Everyone matters  Everyone is beautiful just the way they are  Everyone deserves love  Everyone deserves to be accepted  Everyone shines just the way they are  Everyone is special  And I hope you always love yourself 

Most Important Life Wisdom

I think the most important and real things in life are to follow your heart and follow your intuition 

Dreams Thursday 27 February 2025 - Nicole, Shawn, new musician

I dreamed I was living at my friend Nicole's house, under the house in a room in the basement. I remember realising I could open the window in the bathroom so opening those. Then I was walking around in the front garden which was nicely landscaped with plants and flowers and really pretty. I went to the street which was busy with people walking around and found a phone on the ground which I picked up not being sure what to do with it then put it back. Nicole was living with her mum and brother and sisters and children.  At Nicole's house, Nicole and my grandma were having a seizure or something and I was wondering if I should call the ambulance. My mum was there but thought it was nothing serious though. Which I was frustrated about.  Also this musician was in the house and at first I thought it was Felix Jaehn but it wasn't. He came over to me and looked like he was kind of proposing to me with a ring in a ring box and other jewellery too. I asked if he was Felix he said h...

Dreams Wednesday 26 February 2025 - Harry Styles

Last night I dreamed Harry Styles held me so close and tight and I was deeply embarrassed about something that I told him about, but he just kept holding me so close and tight, like he never wanted to let go of me, and he had seen how much I love animals so said he would involve animals in his upcoming projects for me.

Dreams Tuesday 25 February - Shawn, Selena Gomez

Last night I dreamed I was going on a date with Shawn somewhere in nature and also dreamed of Selena Gomez she was doing these weight loss cooking classes i remember one where she was making a egg white and ricotta dip to go with chips or crackers and later on Justin Bieber gave her a pet lizard as a present it was a big spiky one but she was scared of it and didn't like it. The lizard was meant to be "their child" or preparing them for a child. 

Dreams Monday 24 February 2025 - Ruel, Olly

I had more dreams during the day that I was at a small Ruel concert and was clapping. I also dreamed a lot of Olly. Olly sat in front of me at the concert like he was trying to protect me.